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  • Writer's pictureScott Ezzy

Poem: See What The Lord Has Done

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

See What The Lord Has Done

See what the Lord has done

Know that you do belong

Christ; God and Man made one

Is the Father’s embrace of us

Christ, Light and Life to all

In Him, all things live and move

Both God, and with God as well

At-One; in love, grace and truth

Know, as Christ lived His Life

He saw as no-one else could see

The Father’s face, ever clear to Him

It defined His every move

All the lies, as conceived in Man

Overcome by the truth He knew

For the Son in the Spirit lived

And in Him darkness had no room

For Christ is the only One

Who could live as is right to truth

For before this whole world began

Face to face, He the Father knew

At the cross He laid down His life

To take down our corrupted state

In His death our darkness was consumed

When He rose, we were born anew

We now stand, in Christ, fully formed

Face to face, Father to the Son

We now share in all that is Christ’s

We partake in His divinity

Believe what the Lord has done

Know that you are One with Him

Christ, He defines your life

In Him, you are complete and whole

See by the Spirit’s light

All Christ has freely done

He has embraced us all

In the love and the life of God

By Scott Ezzy

16 Jan 2018/revised 1 April 2019

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